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This page has maturity level 3 (usable)

This is a Quality Attribute document

Document icon Manageability Version: 0.2 OIAr logo
Document type: Quality Attribute Owner:

J.A.H. Schoonderbeek

A solution’s manageability, denoted as a single string, determines how difficult or easy it will be to keep a system operational. Standardized safeguards (monitoring and alerting) can help to enhance manageability, whilst consideration must be given to the additional expertise needed by system administrators, as well as the standardization and complexity of managed service interfaces and tools.

Defined values for Manageability:

ordinal value meaning
0 NS no manageability specified
10 Best-Effort the facility is managed on a best-effort basis
20 Medium the facility is reasonably well manageable
30 High the facility is very well manageable

The table below provides an overview of these classes and the provisions that should be made to get a facility or Product rated in a certain class. Note: the listed provisions for logging and monitoring have both an internal and an external component. An internal component or "agent" makes it possible for a facility to act as a source of data for a centralized logging or monitoring management system, the central component. When applying a provision to an infrastructure facility during the design process, not only the internal component should be taken into account, but the central component as well.

Provision Best-Effort Medium High
Event Logging
Logging Normalization - -
Connectivity Monitoring
Hardware Monitoring -
Hardware Capacity Monitoring - -
Operating Systems Monitoring -
(Application) Service Monitoring -
(Product) Chain Monitoring - -
In-band Management Access
Out-of-band Management Access -
Remote Power Cycle -
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{ "type": "PROPERTY_CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA", "constraints": { "type_constraint": "_txt", "allowed_values": [ "NS", "Best-Effort", "Medium", "High" ] } }