The OIAm method would have never reached the maturity displayed in this Infrastructure Architecture Repository if it hadn't been supported by:

Sogeti was the main contributor of a project named DYA|Infrastructure (of which OIAm is the successor) until mid 2012, by:
- Funding and supporting the development of an infrastructure architecture methodology (DYA|Infrastructure);
- Funding and supporting the development of an Infrastructure Architecture Repository (called the DIR);
- Taking care of publications (the first book, several articles) and platforms (conferences, symposia, seminars).

Since mid 2012, BiZZdesign has stepped up as the main sponsor of the OIAm initiative. BiZZdesign
- Funding and supporting the development of the infrastructure architecture methodology (OIAm);
- Adding OIAm support to its line of tooling products such as BiZZdesign Architect;
- Funding and supporting the development of this infrastructure architecture repository the OIAr;
- Taking care of publications (new books, whitepapers, articles) and platforms (conferences, symposia, seminars).
KLM Royal Dutch Airlines

KLM aided the development of the Repository by:
- Taking partnership in the research, necessary to implement the Infrastructure Architecture Repository in a semantic wiki
- Issuing a wiki that described the KLM infrastructure architecture
Ministerie van LNV (Ministry of Agriculture, Nature & Food Quality)

Ministerie van LNV contributed to the development of the wiki by:
- Taking part in a thorough review of the wiki content
- Testing the wiki content by using it in the creation of an architecture for a new data center setup
Gemeente Utrecht (City of Utrecht)

Gemeente Utrecht contributed to the development of the wiki by:
- Taking part in developing Pattern Types
- Using the wiki content in the creation of an architecture for a new data center and a new user workspace

Kadaster contributed to the development of the wiki by:
- Taking part in developing Pattern Types
- Using the wiki content in the creation of an architecture for the definition of the outsourcing of it's data center

Interpolis has been very important in the development of OIAm by
- Organizing workshops with senior architects of the Rabobank Group. During these workshops (2005), the Building Blocks Model was discovered.
- Issuing the first repository that is created by means of the Building Blocks Model. At that time, the repository was not automated, but it was an excellent way of testing and fine-tuning of the model.
Many enthusiastic architects and infrastructure specialists

Because it is too big a chance that people will be forgotten trying to name all committed and competent professionals that contributed to the methodology and the repository, we would like to thank all of you with this single statement. This initiative is meant to support and foster the growth of our beautiful line of work. The more people are involved, the faster we are able to develop the infrastructure architecture practice further. So, all contributions, comments, idea's, suggestions, criticisms, and more is very welcome!