Generic Function Overview

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Currently, we are in the process of the introduction of a renewed vocabulary. It is a further development, based on the usage of the Generic Functions presented below. There are a number of significant changes in the new approach:
This page contains the links to all 55 Generic Functions that are specified in this repository and that are part of one or more Generic Pattern(s). The list presented below is not exhausting, many more functions can be defined using the OIAm vocabulary. However, the functions in the list below do play an important role in this repository and serve as examples for an extensive description of functions according to OIAm. They are grouped by the Working Area under which they reside. Every Generic Function can also have a dedicated icon; a handy overview of the icons present can be found here. Documented Generic Functions also have a brief description; the comprehensive list of GFs and their brief description can be found in this list.
Note: the following 73 Function Definitions are proposals:
Function | Description |
Acceleration | Increase of speed/decrease of time needed to carry out a function |
Acces | Enablement of entrance/usage |
Accommodation | Facilitation of functions in the physical world |
Aggregation | Collection into a whole |
Alerting | Notification of a status that demands intervention |
Archive | Indisputable authentic preservation for future reference |
Assortment | Distribution into different classes/categories |
Caching | Performance improvement by buffering and provision of quick access |
Calculation | Execution of mathematical operations |
Casting | Real-time transmission |
Catalogue | Item inventory |
Classification | Systematic placement in categories |
Collection | Pickup (of items specified in the data/object part) |
Concealment | Hiding of data/objects in order to preserve confidentiality |
Conditioning | Manipulation of behavior |
Controlling | Command interaction |
Coordination | Interoperation control |
Coupling | Connection of (equal) parts |
Deduplication | Removal of exact copy instances |
Delegation | Organization of representation |
Delivery | Transfer, including its completion |
Deployment | Placement in a position for utilization |
Distribution | (Re)allocation to bring on or closer to the destination |
Encapsulation | Application of wrapping to protect or to hide |
Encryption | Protective conversion |
Engine | Execution of predefined automated tasks |
Export | Saving data objects in a format usable by another system |
Filtering | Removal of unwanted items during transit |
Formatting | Prearrangement for usage |
Handling | Treatment, manipulation, management |
Import | Bringing data objects into one system from another |
Indexing | Creation of reference (points) |
Input | Digitalization (of items specified in the data/object part) |
Interconnection | Linkage to bridge a distance or difference |
Locking | Preservation of a state |
Logging | Recording of activities/events |
Lookup | Confined search operation |
Measuring | Registration of condition/quantity |
Multiplication | Creation of exact copy instances |
Notification | Act of information, providing of an informative message/signal |
Offloading | Put aside to make room (for example transferring data to a cheaper medium) |
Orchestration | Arrangement of automated processes |
Output | Human perceptible representation |
Preservation | Conservation in the state in which/existing |
Prioritization | Arrangement of right of way |
Provisioning | Preparation/placement to fulfill a demand on beforehand |
Purging | Removal of the unwanted/unnecessary |
Queueing | Ordering for dispatch order |
Reception | Admission/Intake |
Recording | Registration/Transcription |
Reduction | Decrease in volume |
Register | Distributed retention |
Relay | Act of passing something along |
Replication | Creation of an exact copy of an instance |
Reporting | Presentation of events/results of an automated analysis |
Resolution | Substitution of one data type for another, with translation of the corresponding values |
Responder | Automated response on behalf of intended recipient |
Retention | Storage facilitation |
Retrieval | Targeted pickup |
Scanning | Sweeping/probing search or digitalization operation |
Selection | Assignment of preference |
Shipping/Sending | Transportation engagement |
Signalling | Interaction to establish communication |
Snapshotting | Preservation of state |
Store | Centralized retention |
Tiering | Ranking (according to a predefined hierarchy) |
Transfer | Movement from one place to another |
Transformation | Conversion from one appearance, form, representation, state, or phase into another |
Translation | Conversion from one expression, state, or phase into another |
Tunneling | Shielded/abstracted transmission |
Validation | Inspection on (global) accuracy/correctness |
Verification | Inspection on (internal) completeness/genuineness |
Versioning | Revision control/instance preservation |
Note: the following 37 Data/Object Types are proposals:
Data/Object | Description |
Address | Identifier/pointer of/to a specific machine or recipient |
Application | Sequence of instructions that a computer can interpret and execute |
Block | Unit of data on a physical storage medium |
Catalog | Systematically arranged directory of information |
Configuration | Arrangement of settings |
Connection | State of exchange between two facilities |
Data | (Digital) information objects/tokens |
Dataset | Collection of similar and related data for processing |
Event | An occurrence that is significant for usage or working of automated systems |
Facility | Array of equipment to afford one or more services |
File | Collection of data stored as a unit with a single name |
Header | Information preceding a data piece to provide the context of this data |
Identity | The fact of being who or what a person or thing is, a persisting entity |
Image | Exact replica of the contents of a storage medium |
Key | Sequence of characters and/or digits, used by a cryptographic algorithm to encrypt or decrypt data |
Log | A (set of) record(s) of performance, behaviour and or interaction |
Message | Unit of information or data that is transmitted from one user or facility to one or more other users or facilities |
Model | Reduced representation of (a number of aspects of) reality |
Name | Word or phrase that refers to a specific system or file |
Notification | Information being pushed to communicate an event |
Period | The amount of (clock)time that has been elapsed between two specific moments / time interval. |
Permission | Record of approval |
Platform | System that hosts and/or executes applications/services |
Presentation | Display of a system or application to an end-user |
Profile | Collection of settings for a (type of) user or machine |
Record | Unit of data in a structured data storage facility |
Rule | Formalism that is used to instruct automated systems |
Sequence | Consecutive flow of data, events or activities |
Session | Instance of digital interaction |
Status | (Predefined) state an entity is in |
Stream | Steady, time critical flow of data |
Table | An orderly arrangement of data, especially one in which the data are arranged in columns and rows |
Time | Measured or measurable period / moment, as indicated by a clock or calendar, expressed in (milli)seconds, minutes, hours, day, and/or years |
Traffic | Exchange of data between automated systems |
Transaction | Interaction between users or systems |
Workflow | Order in which and with whom/what system activities are carried out |
Workspace | Collection of facilities that facilitate end-users to interact with the digital world |
Note: the following Generic Function is deprecated: