Property:Brief description

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A "Brief description", of type text, serves as a short, functional description for an infrastructure artefact.

Note: the string must preferably be less than 256 characters

Showing 50 pages using this property.
Hiding of data/objects in order to preserve confidentiality  +
Manipulation of behavior  +
Command interaction  +
Interoperation control  +
Connection of (equal) parts  +
Removal of exact copy instances  +
Organization of representation  +
Transfer, including its completion  +
Placement in a position for utilization  +
(Re)allocation to bring on or closer to the destination  +
Application of wrapping to protect or to hide  +
Protective conversion  +
Execution of predefined automated tasks  +
Saving data objects in a format usable by another system  +
Removal of unwanted items during transit  +
Prearrangement for usage  +
Treatment, manipulation, management  +
Bringing data objects into one system from another  +
Creation of reference (points)  +
Digitalization (of items specified in the data/object part)  +
Linkage to bridge a distance or difference  +
Preservation of a state  +
Recording of activities/events  +
Confined search operation  +
Registration of condition/quantity  +
Creation of exact copy instances  +
Act of information, providing of an informative message/signal  +
Put aside to make room (for example transferring data to a cheaper medium)  +
Arrangement of automated processes  +
Human perceptible representation  +
Conservation in the state in which/existing  +
Arrangement of right of way  +
Preparation/placement to fulfill a demand on beforehand  +
Removal of the unwanted/unnecessary  +
Ordering for dispatch order  +
Admission/Intake  +
Registration/Transcription  +
Decrease in volume  +
Distributed retention  +
Act of passing something along  +
Creation of an exact copy of an instance  +
Presentation of events/results of an automated analysis  +
Substitution of one data type for another, with translation of the corresponding values  +
Automated response on behalf of intended recipient  +
Storage facilitation  +
Targeted pickup  +
Sweeping/probing search or digitalization operation  +
Assignment of preference  +
Transportation engagement  +
Interaction to establish communication  +